Action for their dignity
Action for the dolphin & whale hunting issue
2012.09.01 The Cove In Taiji
2011.12.31 Interview for Sea Sheperd in Katsuura
Dignity news
2012.10.28 No-four demo in Shibuya
The problem of killing pet by government in Japan
Proposed to the Ministry Gov about real-time housed animals announcement system by IT
お水飲むなら、絶対 ボルビック!!!
=($lang==1)?'イルカ・クジラ猟問題':'Action for the dolphin & whale hunting issue';?>
イルカ猟の残虐実態と水族館飼育の問題点まとめ (Japanese Janguage docuent. writen by this site's owner.)
2012.09.01 =($lang==1)?'太地町にて(THE COVE)':'The Cove In Taiji';?>
=($lang==1)?'イルカ猟を許さない!':'Do not allow the dolphin hunting!';?>
VEGE-NAVI.JP autheris acting for animals.